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Malcolm Hoar Malcolm Hoar is offline
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Default Is there a garbage disposer that doesn't stink?

In article >, Matt > wrote:
>A few years back, we replaced our 1969 garbage disposer.
>The new one requires scrubbing or other work to keep it from stinking up
>the house. The old one didn't require any of that.
>Does anybody know a current model garbage disposer that doesn't require

Just be sure to run the disposer (and the water) every
time you place food/trash in the disposer.

Pour a little bleach into the disposer every week or
two to help.

If you are still having problems, investigate the
downstream plumbing for problems. It does have a
P-trap, right?

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| Malcolm Hoar "The more I practice, the luckier I get". |
| Gary Player. |
| Shpx gur PQN. |
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