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werty werty is offline
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Default Is there a garbage disposer that doesn't stink?

Baking soda and vinegar are sales , lots of sales , and money
for Mr Armand Hammer

the inventor of Arm And Hammer baking soda .

Lye is for cleaning , but Draino charges far too much for Lye and
magic dust ( aluminum dust actually ) .
You can buy dry Lye ( caustic soda ) for cheap , but it clogs your
drain first , then it unclogs it . It expands hair and bio material ,
clogging the drain , then it decomposes it .
a pinch in food adds flavor , if its too acid ...

After all that , its too much hassle owning a garb' disposal .
Just bag it and trash it .

Id like a piston compressor that takes all trash and compacts it
with 1000 psi and then dumps it into a bag .
Or maybe a 3 pipe system that dumps greywater to tree's and
disposal stuff to a pipe to the compost heap and another pipe
for very clear waste water to a drum ....

BTW i can now repeat Karo lt syrup .
1/2 cup water or less in a pan , add 5 times more sugar
1) boil ALL the water away til the I.R. thermometer shows its
quickly jumping from 210 F to 240 F ,
2) boil the thick liquid for 5 minutes at 240 or 250 F
3) then cool to 180 F ,
4) add water then heat to keep temp below 200 F .
Mix the water into the syrup ( not easy to do ) .

When the last drop of water evaporates , the temp' will
suddenly jump . The water was holding the temp at 210 F ..
Lt Brown sugar works even better flavor .
Add 1/4 tspoon salt and some vanilla and butter ....
ButterScotch .

You will notice it is not as sweet as table sugar , for the
syrup has lost its Fructose . It was converted to Maltose .
They say use acid to split out the Frc , but it is not needed
simply heating to 240 F works fast .
They say nuetralize the Acid with NaOH- ( a pinch of sodium )
but it works w/o . But NaOH will add a bit of flavor .
It tastes like pancake syrup .
The salt is deceiving , if you add too much , it will turn to
add none and you get a less Butterscotch taste .
Try it . I use this in my iced tea and 100 uses ...

nancree wrote:
> perrylep wrote:
> > My finding is that garbage in the garbage *can* stinks waaay worse than the
> > disposal. I would suspect drainage, or a bad vent or user error (not
> > running enough water).
> >
> > My whole reason for having a disposal is less stink.
> >
> > Perry

> ---------------
> Here's a good way to clean out your disposal, and the pipes. Put in
> about 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Then pour in some vinegar . It
> will bubble up and clear out a lot of stuff. Most people don't run
> their disposals long enough. Make it a habit to run hot water and the
> diaposal for 45 seconds or more.
> Nancree