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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Makin' waffles. Was: crisco?

jmcquown said...

> Andy wrote:
>> jmcquown said...
>> Funny you should mention it. I NEVER used crisco before, until just
>> this week. I made a batch of Jiffy Cornbread waffles and it called
>> for 2 Tbs. of the stuff (butter-flavor, melted in the nuker).
>> The waffle iron made it's first three waffles. They cooked up great
>> and fell right out of the iron (I'm guessing crisco).
>> First three waffles I'VE ever made, come to think of it.
>> Andy

> Oh no, Andy! You mentioned Jiffy Cornbread Mix AND Butter Crisco in the
> same post! Oh, the humanity! LOL Glad you enjoyed the waffles, though

> Jill


It was fun but I didn't have the hang of spreading out the batter. The
outer portion of the waffles had holes instead of nooks (??). Spread too
thin, obviously.

The cuisinart is a plain, not Belgian waffle iron.

I was gonna make Wayne's waffle recipe but wimped out on the "cheapness" of
the Jiffy recipe.

The #5 (highest) setting made crispy waffles, the way I like 'em.

Waffle! Waffle!