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Wayne Boatwright[_1_] Wayne Boatwright[_1_] is offline
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Default Makin' waffles. Was: crisco?

Oh pshaw, on Mon 04 Dec 2006 03:26:55a, Andy meant to say...

> jmcquown said...
>> Andy wrote:
>>> jmcquown said...
>>> Funny you should mention it. I NEVER used crisco before, until just
>>> this week. I made a batch of Jiffy Cornbread waffles and it called
>>> for 2 Tbs. of the stuff (butter-flavor, melted in the nuker).
>>> The waffle iron made it's first three waffles. They cooked up great
>>> and fell right out of the iron (I'm guessing crisco).
>>> First three waffles I'VE ever made, come to think of it.
>>> Andy

>> Oh no, Andy! You mentioned Jiffy Cornbread Mix AND Butter Crisco in
>> the same post! Oh, the humanity! LOL Glad you enjoyed the waffles,
>> though

>> Jill

> Jill,
> It was fun but I didn't have the hang of spreading out the batter. The
> outer portion of the waffles had holes instead of nooks (??). Spread too
> thin, obviously.
> The cuisinart is a plain, not Belgian waffle iron.
> I was gonna make Wayne's waffle recipe but wimped out on the "cheapness"
> of the Jiffy recipe.
> The #5 (highest) setting made crispy waffles, the way I like 'em.
> Andy
> Waffle! Waffle!

Andy, whatever batter you use to make waffles needs to be thin enough to be
pourable and should not require spreading out on the waffle iron. The
"trick" of course, is to pour enough batter but not so much that it
overflows. As you're experimenting with batters and quantities, measure
what you pour in and make a note of how much it takes to fill the iron
completely. In my case, it's 1/2 cup. After that, measure for each

If you like the crunchiness/crispness of cornmeal, you can sub 1/2 cup of
cornmeal for 1/2 cup flour in the recipe I posted. You may need to adjust
the liquid because cornmeal absorbs differently than flour.

Good luck!

Wayne Boatwright

I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
(Marshall McLuhan)