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MaryL MaryL is offline
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Posts: 427
Default Is there a garbage disposer that doesn't stink?

"Goomba38" > wrote in message
> MaryL wrote:
>> I was also told by a plumber not to use hot water when disposing of fatty
>> foods, but it had nothing to do with burning up a motor. I have
>> forgotten the precise reasoning, but it had to do with cold water being
>> more likely to keep fat in pieces that could more readily be washed down
>> the drain instead of gathering in one place to clog the drains. I know
>> that wasn't exactly the explanation, but he was referring specifically to
>> fats that would melt in hot water.

> One shouldn't pour fat down the drain in the first place though. Save a
> can or old jar for those purposes and toss 'em into the trash.

Granted. I would never simply pour fat down the drain. However, there are
fatty *products* that do end up going down the disposer (and drains) --
residue on plates, food that contains grease, etc.

I keep a tin can in my freezer, and any cat that can be poured off (such as
bacon grease) goes in there and eventually into the trash for garbage
