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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Makin' waffles. Was: crisco?

Dave Smith said...

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> >
>> > My iron only has two settings, off and on :-( I need a better iron...
>> >

>> None of the waffle irons I've owned had different settings, and it's

>> been a problem.

> My parents had one. I was given one many years ago and bought a
> new one about two years ago. None of them had heat settings, nor
> did any I say in stores. I cook them until they stop steaming.
> It is important to cook them completely before opening the lid.


The Cuisinart has a red/green light. Red for coming up to temp --> Green to
add batter --> back to Red while cooking --> Green again, when the waffle
is finished cooking. It loops back to Red after the waffle is removed and
the iron is reheating.

Kinda/sorta idiot proof, in the right hands.
