Is there a garbage disposer that doesn't stink?
"Goomba38" > wrote in message
> Steve B wrote:
>> If your wife is like mine, she thinks that a garbage disposal is like a
>> trash can. You wait until it is full, then empty it.
>> I just about have her trained. But still, at any time, I can go flip the
>> switch and there will be something in there to grind up.
>> She just doesn't get it.
>> If you EMPTY the garbage disposal WHEN YOU PUT SOMETHING IN THERE, it
>> can't stink. It's gone on its way down the pipe.
> I'm embarrassed to be a woman if that is what your wife really thinks and
> does. Good grief.
> If I just put stuff in there, it wouldn't take long for the sink to back
> up when I was running water to do anything else. Does she not use the sink
> for anything else between running the disposal....? She doesn't notice the
> problem here..?
My wife is fastidious, and even obsessive compulsive disorder on some
things. But I could put a dead skunk in the trash compactor, compact it,
and leave it there, and I doubt she'd notice it. Well, maybe she's not that
bad, but there have been MANY times when I say, "Do you smell something
bad?", and she says, "Not really." I don't know if "Not really" means yes,
I smell it, but it isn't that bad, or I don't smell anything.
Now, I just automatically turn on the water and hit the switch whenever I'm
close to it.
PS: She also thinks that the compactor MUST BE FULL in order to empty. I
am working on that by putting chicken skins and salmon skins in there.