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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Makin' waffles. Was: crisco?

Wayne Boatwright said...

> Oh pshaw, on Mon 04 Dec 2006 08:57:01a, Andy meant to say...
>> Wayne Boatwright said...
>>>> The Cuisinart has a red/green light. Red for coming up to temp -->

> Green
>>>> to add batter --> back to Red while cooking --> Green again, when the
>>>> waffle is finished cooking. It loops back to Red after the waffle is
>>>> removed and the iron is reheating.
>>>> Kinda/sorta idiot proof, in the right hands.
>>>> Andy
>>> Well, you're no idiot, but I hope your colorblind! :-)

>> Wayne,
>> Why yes... yes I am!
>> Andy

> Uh, I *meant* to say I hope you're *not* colorblind. :-)


Why yes... that too!

Fickle Foodie