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Peter A Peter A is offline
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Default Makin' waffles. Was: crisco?

In article 9>, Wayne
Boatwright <> says...
> Andy, whatever batter you use to make waffles needs to be thin enough to be
> pourable and should not require spreading out on the waffle iron. The
> "trick" of course, is to pour enough batter but not so much that it
> overflows. As you're experimenting with batters and quantities, measure
> what you pour in and make a note of how much it takes to fill the iron
> completely. In my case, it's 1/2 cup. After that, measure for each
> waffle.
> If you like the crunchiness/crispness of cornmeal, you can sub 1/2 cup of
> cornmeal for 1/2 cup flour in the recipe I posted. You may need to adjust
> the liquid because cornmeal absorbs differently than flour.
> Good luck!

The best waffles are yeast-based and rise overnight (the batter). It
takes a little planning ahead but it is worth it. There's a recipe on my
website (below)

Peter Aitken
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