I've been cookingthese !*#$*!&$# yellow split peas...
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I've been cookingthese !*#$*!&$# yellow split peas...
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
(TammyM) wrote:
> > My PC manual instructs to never cook split peas in it -- something
> > about the foaming action I think? [snip]
> I've never had a problem cooking either beans or split peas in there if
> done properly. Just don't overfill it! I never fill it more than 3/4
> full when I make stock and it's best with beans and peas if you never
> fill it more than 1/2 full.
> The one time I blew a safety valve was with beans, but I did overfill it!
Bzzzzt! If the manual for her pressure cooker says never cook split
peas in it, then your experience is only relevant if you have the same
cooker, and if your safety engineers (and lawyers) have given you the
same advice that her manufacturer's have given them. -aem
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