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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Makin' waffles. Was: crisco?

Andy wrote:
> The Cuisinart has a red/green light. Red for coming up to temp --> Green to
> add batter --> back to Red while cooking --> Green again, when the waffle
> is finished cooking. It loops back to Red after the waffle is removed and
> the iron is reheating.
> Kinda/sorta idiot proof, in the right hands.

The key words being "in the right hands" :-)
My Proctor just has an range light to indicate that is is heating
up. It goes out when it reaches it's cooking temperature, and
it's going out just means the iron is a the prescribed
temperature, and not that the waffle is done.

I watch for the steam to stop and then lift gently. It it doesn't
come up easily it tells me that the dough is still elastic and
therefore not done.