beer & wine
Julia Altshuler scribbled on the wall in crayon:
> The only trouble is that I don't like beer that much, and I couldn't
> imagine making wine at home that's materially better than the stuff I
> drink at $9.99/bottle. I suppose it would make sense if I had an excess
> supply of grapes or other fruit, but I couldn't imagine buying a big box
> of merlot grape juice (available at the store along with other
> varieties) for the purpose of making wine of it at home from it.
I don't think people do it as a way to save money, but as a "look what
neato thing I made!" sort of hobby...I'd like to make wine and beer just
ONCE to see if I could...other than that I'm happy buying.
The movie of my life must be really low-budget. - Harry Dresden