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Default Lazy Day Cooking?

"Sharon Chilson" > wrote in message
> Here when it's hot, if my husband isn't cooking dinner on the barbecue
> grill, I have a long fold-up table that I set up in the attached garage.
> On it goes small appliances--crockpot, rotissierre, burners, etc. Then I
> cook dinner in the (very clean) garage so it doesn't heat up the house
> and we eat in the backyard under the trees. It's nice.

HA! Thanks for proving me right! I have my camping kitchen set up in the
garage and will cook outside in the summer just so I don't have to turn on
the stove in the house. My neighbors think I'm nuts for doing it but then,
I think the smells of making spaghetti or even tacos coming out of the
garage just make them jealous!

Not to mention what I do with the grill and dutch ovens...


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