Ice cream recipe?
"Cangurita" > wrote in
> "Sandra" > wrote in message
> om...
>> Is there anyone who knows how you make ice cream? If you do, please
>> tell me how. Thank you!
> My mum would call this a "cheat's" way:
> (anything that wasn't making it "from scratch")
> I used to grow up with my mum making "Junket" ... it was always the
> highest honor to choose what flavor tablet she'd use for it.
> Only just recently my husband and I found "Junket" tablets (what mum
> made stuff from - they have a recipe card in them for rennet custards,
> icecreams, etc) and "Junket Icecream" packages (these are new to me -
> but it's the one we get to make the icecream - vanilla (the flavor we
> get) or chocolate flavored) in walmart (you have to look hard for them
> - I don't remember off-hand what aisle they are in.. I automatically
> 'go there' now! ironically - it is *not* in with the jell-o and
> puddings..). My husband and I love the stuff - so nice and creamy and
> "home made" taste (actually really does taste like the recipe my mum
> used to make - she'd stand over the stove stirring the mixture - used
> to think it was the funniest thing - since icecream came from the
> freezer (- the weird things you think when you are 6 or 7!) - I'll
> remember to ask her for the recipe!) You can make the Junket Icecream
> in your icecream maker - or pour it into a container, and break it up
> every so often, so it freezes all over.. Junket-powder/tablets Milk
> Cream Sugar and Vanilla - devilishly bad for some people.. but
> sooooooo goooood! (there are other alternatives listed in the
> booklet)
> My husband and I have discussed this a bit:
> Is Junket one of those "My Mom's / Grandparent's era" things? Why
> isn't it a commonplace item these days (ease, convenience, etc)? (or
> is it?)
> I remember mum making it all the time - but I'm now convinced that
> we were
> no normal food eating family.. none of my friends had heard of junket
> growing up.. (I'm early 20s for an age/generation pov)
> My husband hadn't heard of junket before - but he is quite used to
> me
> picking up odd food things when I see them and acting like they are
> the best known thing in the world!
> My mother-in-law didn't know what 'Junket' was (wanted to know if it
> was
> something Australian!)... but she knew what rennet was, and remembered
> her mom (or grandmother?) making it in freezer trays, then beating it
> smooth for icecream..
> Do any of you wonderful rfc peoples know of/use/dislike/love junket?
> (just interesting to get a wider opinion on discussions!)
> Thanks!
> la cangurita
> (the little kangaroo)
My mom used to make Junket when I was growing up, but we had it most
often as a pudding rather than ice cream. I think it has a distinct
flavor, and definitely a homemade taste.