Melba Does London, Bayeux, and Paris
I'm ba-a-a-ack! Got home late Monday night. Ooh-la-la.
Trip highlights were at the beginning and end of the tour: Beginning:
had my diamond tennis bracelet removed from my wrist at Windsor Castle -
just keep your remarks to yourself about my wearing it in the first
place, OK? O K ??)
End: Went to the top of the Eiffel Tower on our last night before
heading homeward. We were on board when they lit it. Spectacular view
of the city.
AND encountered 4 young Slovaks there - they were with a singing group
and two were singing a song. At first I thought po Russky and the young
woman just smiled. I listened more and asked, "Slovensko?" She nodded.
I chatted them up and we sang a song together. How cool is THAT?
Best Treatment by Staff in French Hotel: Being upgraded to a corner
room with balcony after first going to my previously-assigned closet -
er, room - but to discover that it was already occupied. I looked in
the shower for the guy but he wasn't there. Dammit. Foiled again.
Best Souvenir: A tote bag from Monet's gardens in Giverny - it is
quite beautiful. And the two small butter dishes I stole from two
Best Gift: A 750ml bottle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Domaine de
Bournissac) and some homemade soaps from Mme. Charlet.
Best Man: Messr. Charlet. He and Anne took me to a dingy restaurant
supply store where Julia Child is purported to have traded. Tres cool
and off the tourist routes. I purchased only two things. When Anne had
to split for another appointment, her charming husband accompanied me to
the Galerie Lafayette for a bit of shopping. It was an act of
generosity, compassion, and kindness on his part. I popped for lunch
atop the Galerie Lafayette as an expression of my gratitude.
Stories and pictures will appear on my webpage sometime in the future.
I have 700MB of photos to sort through. Le Chapeau de Cornichon was
photographed everywhere. :-)
OB Food: Ohyeah!
-Barb, <> Sam I Am updated 5/30/04.
Only 9 days until my birthday. "Shop early, shop often, shop
big." Good gin and cheap chocolate preferred. Or is it cheap
gin and good chocolate? I can never remember. . . .