Ice Cream Question???
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Kate Connally
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Ice Cream Question???
Greg Zywicki wrote:
(Alex Rast) wrote in message >...
> > at Tue, 15 Jun 2004 13:56:58 GMT in
> > >,
> > (Greg Zywicki) wrote :
> > >What is your opinion on eggless Ice Creams? I can see the blender
> > >technique I mentioned being a problem with a custard base (although
> > >I'm not exactly sure why it would be.)
> >
> > Some ice creams (such as the rose ice cream I alluded to) *must* be
> > eggless. Personally, I also think most fruit ice creams are a little better
> > eggless, as long as you have enough fruit concentration (you don't need the
> > eggs to cut down the fat, and you don't need to stabilise other
> > ingredients).
> Not to mention, you don't have to heat the base, so you're not at risk
> of destroying the essential oils and volatile compounds of fresh
> fruit.
Uh, you don't heat the fruit! You cook the custard and
then chill it and then add the fruit!
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
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