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Dominic T. Dominic T. is offline
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Default Krups tea kettle leaks

Al wrote:
> We've been using a Krups electric tea kettle (model #856) for
> a few years and it has been great, but it recently developed
> a small leak.
> Does anyone know whether this can be fixed?...or should we just
> get a new kettle? Thanks.

My only suggestion would be to use a two part epoxy if it is just a
crack in the plastic. Seal it fromt he outside not the inside to
minimize water contact with the epoxy. Or if you want to be adventurous
you can heat up a piece of metal and use it to re-melt the plastic to
seal it.

If it isn't plastic, then you'd have to decide if anyhing will seal it.
Possibly a two part epoxy would still work.

I'd say a few years got your money's worth, and it may be time to move
on. Zojirushi makes excellent electric kettles and I think many here
would easily recommend them. They cost a bit more but should wear like

best of luck,
- Dominic