Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
> "jmcquown" >
> :
>> All that wintry precipitation missed Shelby County, despite days of
>> dire predictions. No rain, no sleet, no snow. No power outtages. I
>> feel for you, sweetie. I've heard about how bad it is around your
>> area. Nothing happened here other than it got cold. The storm
>> tracked north from Arkansas into Missouri, which is unusual. I'm
>> sorry!
>> Jill
> This is one of the worst ones we've had in a long time. We don't get
> 'im this bad real often. It's bad right now. It is cold as hell. We
> still have ice on the ground. I'm sure Barb has it bad but she is
> used to it. My problem is
I'm just not used to it. I'm not used to
> dressing real warm and stuff.
> Michael
It's brrrrrrrrrrr outside, if that's any consolation! Gonna hit 19F degrees
tonight! Hot soup and sammich weather. Made a grilled swiss cheese on
wheat to go with bean with bacon soup.