Your favorite Baked Beans recipe?
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Donna Rose
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Your favorite Baked Beans recipe?
In article >,=20
> Wed, Jun 16, 2004, 10:09pm (EDT+4) (Donna=A0Rose) Wrote:
> I've been invited to a BBQ pot luck and was asked to bring some baked
> beans. Anyone have a favorite recipe they'd like to share? Yes, I could
> google, but I'd prefer to have a tried-and-true recipe from someone
> who's actually made them.
> --
> Donna ---------------------------------------------------------------
> response: Yoders amish baked beans sold in the deli of major grocery
> stores is the best baked beans I've had.
> Expensive but worth every penny I have been trying to clone their
> recipe for several months.
Thanks for this suggestion. I've never heard of Yoders - I don't=20
remember ever seeing baked beans in the deli section of my grocery store. =
I'll have to check it out for future reference. But for this party, I=20
really wanted to bring something homemade, and not store-bought or=20
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