In article
A Ross > wrote:
> In article >,
> Omelet > wrote:
> > Not off topic since it does affect chewing...
> >
> > I have it off and on and it's flaring up again. Gods it hurts! I think
> > it's related to developing Osteoarthritis.
> >
> > Dammit, I'm too young for this. Anyone have any advice other than
> > shitloads of Ibuprofen?
> Chew gum. Bite down on a spacer--sometimes I just use a pencil...
> Amy
Actually, the website research I have done recommends giving up chewing
I never have had that as a habit. I can't even remember the last time I
chewed gum.
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson