yetanotherBob wrote:
> Sometimes insurance may be more likely to cover it if it's defined as
> a "medical" vs. "dental" problem; i.e., if you can get your regular
> MD to refer you to a DDS or DMD specifically for evaluation/treatment
> of TMJ, it may be more likely to be covered by one or both types of
> insurance.
> Bob
That's true, Bob. It's also sometimes conversely the case since medical
insurance may consider it a dental condition and dental insurance may
consider it a medical condition, hence sometimes neither will cover
treatment for TMJ. Gotta read the fine print in the policy or call the
insurance company to know for sure.
OB Food: Chuck Roast... browned it in a little Canola oil, stuck it in the
crock pot with 2 cups beef broth and a can of cheap beer, a couple of bay
leaves, pepper, dried thyme, Penzey's dehydrated garlic and onion and a
little salt.
> In article >,
> says...
>> Having worn a retainer for a number of years, yeah, you could sleep
>> with it in your mouth. After a few nights you wouldn't even notice
>> it. It's fitted using a mold taken of your upper and lower jaw.
>> I'd sure recommend that rather than what you describe especially
>> since, as you say, you have insurance. However, not all insurance
>> covers treatment or devices for TMJ so you need to read your policy
>> information or call your insurance carrier first.