(E. Coli) Thank illegal Mexicans for your feces-covered produce
Nomwer wrote:
> The presence of E. Coli indicates HUMAN FECAL contamination.
> E. Coli contamination of produce used to be rare. Now growers use illegal
> Mexicans, and the health laws don't matter. If any of you seriously think
> that those illegals have the same hygiene as American workers I suggest you
> travel to Mexico.
> Mexican illegals are bringing back diseases Americans had already quashed
> generations ago. Kawasaki Disease. MDR-TB. Dengue Fever. Chagas Disease.
> Leprosy. Malaria. Polio. Our superior sanitation and medicine cannot stem
> the Third World tide.
> Perhaps it is karma. Our ancestors annihilated theirs with diseases, and
> now they are returning the favor.
A good illegal alien is a dead illegal alien.