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Jason Johnson Jason Johnson is offline
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Posts: 17
Default (E. Coli) Thank illegal Mexicans for your feces-covered produce

In article . com>,

Nomwer wrote:
> The presence of E. Coli indicates HUMAN FECAL contamination.
> E. Coli contamination of produce used to be rare. Now growers use illegal
> Mexicans, and the health laws don't matter. If any of you seriously think
> that those illegals have the same hygiene as American workers I suggest you
> travel to Mexico.
> Mexican illegals are bringing back diseases Americans had already quashed
> generations ago. Kawasaki Disease. MDR-TB. Dengue Fever. Chagas Disease.
> Leprosy. Malaria. Polio. Our superior sanitation and medicine cannot stem
> the Third World tide.
> Perhaps it is karma. Our ancestors annihilated theirs with diseases, and
> now they are returning the favor.

A good illegal alien is a dead illegal alien.



The illegal Mexicans that pick crops in American fields do not use the
stinking porti potties. Instead, they walk away from the main group of
workers and deposit their feces in the dirt and cover it up. Some of that
feces ends up on the produce. Is it in wonder why people are developing E.
Coli and other diseases when they eat that produce?