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Porgy Tirebiter Porgy Tirebiter is offline
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Posts: 1
Default (E. Coli) Thank illegal Mexicans/BEANERS for your feces-covered produce/parking lots/public places.

"Jason Johnson" > wrote in message
> In article . com>,
> wrote:
> Nomwer wrote:
> > The presence of E. Coli indicates HUMAN FECAL contamination.
> >
> > E. Coli contamination of produce used to be rare. Now growers use
> > illegal
> > Mexicans, and the health laws don't matter. If any of you seriously
> > think
> > that those illegals have the same hygiene as American workers I suggest
> > you
> > travel to Mexico.
> >
> > Mexican illegals are bringing back diseases Americans had already
> > quashed
> > generations ago. Kawasaki Disease. MDR-TB. Dengue Fever. Chagas Disease.
> > Leprosy. Malaria. Polio. Our superior sanitation and medicine cannot
> > stem
> > the Third World tide.

> The illegal Mexicans that pick crops in American fields do not use the
> stinking porti potties. Instead, they walk away from the main group of
> workers and deposit their feces in the dirt and cover it up. Some of that
> feces ends up on the produce. Is it in wonder why people are developing E.
> Coli and other diseases when they eat that produce?
> Jason

It's true! I have seen them in Oxnard, California....picking the fields.At
the end of the field there are a line of Porta-potties.They are hardly used!
Remember...if your at a swapmeet,Disneyland, any public place you will see
BEANERS dropping used "Huggies" all over the place.
BEANERS think nothing of tossing a diaper loaded with shit out of the car in
a parking lot.
I'm telling ya....the urge to drive our Motorhome thru a BEANER town and
yank the dump valve on the holding tanks and drive thru their neighborhood
is overwhelming.The really sad part......they wouldn't even notice the