Boron Elgar > wrote in message >. ..
> On 16 Jun 2004 11:45:05 -0700, (Greg Zywicki)
> wrote:
> >I've honestly been dissapointed with the few custard based ice creams
> >I've made.
> >
> May I ask what you didn't care for? Was it texture, mouth feel,
> intensity of flavor, etc?
It's been a while, but if I remember correctly it was that it was just
too custardy. The texture and flavor where richer and eggier than I
liked. They
didn't seem "cold" enough, which i suppose indicates mouthfeel or
I use a Cuisinart machine.
Looking at it written down, I could probably just back off on either
the amount of egg or butterfat in the base to adjust the texture to my
liking. But philildelphia style is so much easier, and so satisfying
to me, that it hasn't seemed worth the effort. I might consider it,
though, because Alex's suggestion of egg going better with oil-based
flavors like nuts, does make sense. The egg yolk probably does do a
good job of emulsifying the essential oils, and those oils do hold up
well to heat (nuts do well with some toasting, for example.) Also,
the texture is probably more compatible with frozen nuts.
Greg Zywicki