In article >,
Karen AKA Kajikit > wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Dec 2006 13:26:48 -0600, Omelet >
> wrote:
> >Oddly enough, it seems to come and go. It's been a very long time since
> >I've had to deal with this.
> >
> >Makes me wonder if the recent increase in stress at work has anything to
> >do with it? Increased workload, and I just got another "task" dropped on
> >me...
> I'd say that's a no-brainer. Stress increases muscle tension, and it's
> the excess muscle tension that causes the TMJ... Learn to relax...
Try working night shift in a hospital lab with a boss that likes to dump
clerical work on the staff, then say that. <G>
I'm trying tho'.......
Winter/holidays is/are our busiest season! This'll keep up thru March.
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson