Thread: TMJ...
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Gabby Gabby is offline
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Default TMJ...

Andy wrote:
> Gabby said...

> > I'll vouch for that. I also wear mine if I'm going to be driving long
> > distances -- I tend to clench when I'm stressed and end up exhausted.
> >
> > I couldn't believe the difference in the quality of my sleep when I
> > used my bite plane.
> >
> > Gabby

> Gabby,
> Is that you?

Kinda looks like I did in high school. But "Gabby" comes from my
character in a play.

y just this past week I bought a "Doctor's Night Guard" from CVS,
> because I've recently begun clenching my teeth in my sleep.
> You boil it for 1/2 minute, then bite it to form then cool it in water and
> it sets up a perfect fit. It's taking some getting used to but it is a
> relief. $25 USD.
> I'd made an appointment with my dentist but canceled. The receptionist said
> their version cost $400. Geez...

The cost for my last one was over $300 but insurance paid 80%.

I accidentally dropped my original appliance in the waste basket by my
bed so needed a new one. Went to my local dentist who asked if I
wanted him to make me one or to have it made by a lab. Lab, please.
When it came back it was a disaster -- didn't cover my back teeth (he'd
done a lousy imprint), was put in with hooks instead of just fitting
snug. Every time I bit down it clicked -- not something you want when
you're trying to get rid of a click in your jaw. I'd paid for this one
myself and ended up chucking it in the garbage -- on purpose this time.

Luckily around that time I had to fly to my daughter's grad in the city
where we'd formerly lived so went back to my old dentist who fixed me
up with a new appliance.
