Breakfast from Leftovers
yetanotherBob wrote:
> NOT favorites of mine, by any means, but folks *do* like them, and they
> definitely do deal with leftovers:
> - head cheese
> - scrapple
> - potted meat
> - pigs' feet
> - haggis
> - blood pudding/sausage
> - various other "variety" meats
> - etc.
Now that's an interesting list. From the other answers, corned beef
hash I know, and strata. Should have thought of those myself. I've
long been intrigued by the idea of scrapple but never had it, 'sfar as
I know. Likewise bread pudding -- there seems to be an endless variety
of them possible, but I've always visualized it as a custardy kind of
thing where the bread was just to stretch it to feed a big crew. Is it
actually better than that? -aem