"pltrgyst" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 11 Dec 2006 17:17:26 -0500, "Dee Randall" >
> wrote:
>>Well, here are the results using the hood when steaming:
>>You can see where the lights are located on the front of the vent hood -
>>the vents are to the rear of the lights. Obviously the steam is going up
>>onto the lights and making the stainless ledge that contains them wet with
> Hmmm -- We've never had this happen.
>>At a very hard boil, this is the pan I generally use to cook dried
>>spaghetti. Similar pan for soups. I used a lid on this to redirect the
>>steam, but didn't help.
>>This is the third stage fan setting.
> Here are some pictures I just took-
> Fan setting 2:
> http://www.xhost.org/images/k1.jpg
> http://www.xhost.org/images/k2.jpg
> At setting 2, some vapor does reach the front of the hood, but we've never
> had
> any moisture that you could feel.
> Fan setting 3:
> http://www.xhost.org/images/k3.jpg
> http://www.xhost.org/images/k4.jpg
> Fan setting 4:
> http://www.xhost.org/images/k5.jpg
> http://www.xhost.org/images/k6.jpg
> You can see how much more circular flow we're getting at the higher
> settings. I
> haven't had a cooking situation yet that setting 4 couldn't handle (and it
> is
> certainly a relief to not set off the smoke alarm any more!) I would think
> that
> you've got a flow problem.
>>I was hoping for better. I must've imagined the fan was going to push some
>>air forward, encircling, and pulling it back. Was I dreaming?
> It does, but not as well, IMO, as the first-generation Allure III that we
> had
> last year, which had the blow vents in the bottom front edge of the hood.
> BTW,
> you should also be getting some flow from two small openings at each end
> of the
> trough in the front edge of the hood, in front of the lights, where the
> blow
> vents used to be.
> BTW, for comparison's sake, we've got 26.5 inches from cooktop to bottom
> of the
> filters.
> -- Larry
Hmm - we have a problem then. I can't thank you enough for your pictures.
There is teflon coated bottom cover which fits across and over the fan and
has a round opening for the fan intake which is above the left burner on the
stove. The cover is solid over the right burner. The filters snap into the
the teflon cover. The left side has good suction and a kleenix will stick to
it, but holding a kleenix on the right-hand-side of the stove, it will not
stick; it falls straight down and makes no pretense of pulling to the left.
That surely is why we are having the moisture on the front of right side of
the stove; it just doesn't seem to be moving the air to the left at all.
I can feel some air flow where you say "you should also be getting some flow
from two small openings at each end of the
> trough in the front edge of the hood, in front of the lights, where the
> blow
> vents used to be."
In the manual, it shows that one should have 30" (or 29?") from top of vent
hood to top of cooktop, which is what we have.
The measurement which you give as 26.5 (from cooktop to bottom of filters);
our measurement is 22.5.
We will be traveling tomorrow and hoping to have the time to stop at a few
Lowe's to pick someone's brains. John said he's going to do a mini-tune-up
install again; i.e., wiggling it around seeing if it will go into a better
Not giving up,
Thanks for the time it took for you to do the setup and pictures to send me.
I appreciate it, and maybe it will help others, too.