Do you Senseo?
>Puester writes:
>PENMART01 wrote:
>> Anyone have a Senseo... do you like/hate it? I'm contemplating acquiring
>> but would first like to hear first hand comments. I have already read all
>> [33] reviews at, but to be honest, I found most of them
>> contrived, not very honest (most folks tend to be supportive when it's
>> money spent).
>> It seems the Senseo commercial comes on the TV more and more often, I kind
>> like it, in a 'sick' sort of way (they all seem genuinely retarded,
>> that black guy). From the facial expressions it seems, to me, that they
>> selling a masturbatory device rather than a coffee brewer. I like the
>> broad in the sateen nightgown, the one shown early on and then again at the
>> end... great cleavage.
>> So, do I toss all my coffee brewing equipment and buy a Senseo, or not?
>If it's the one with the "brewing pods" of pre-measured coffee,
>I wouldn't throw out the current brewing equipment. You'll
>need it again when they stop making the pods due to lack of
>major demand in a few years. It happens all the time with
>specialized equipment like that.
Yeah, well I had already consided that, as I automatically do with all new
gizmos, but I'm not really concerned with 10 years from now... besides, I can
remember when folks like you said exactly the same thing about that new fangled
product, the tea bag. I guess your response means you don't have a Senseo. I
really would prefer to hear from those who do have and use the unit, from folks
with *actual experience* as I'm thinking more in terms of hearing informed
responses regarding brewed coffee quality, ease of use... objective comments...
not Henny-Penny type the world is coming to an end dooms day negativism. It's
a friggin' coffee maker, not the atomic bomb.... sheesh!
So, does anyone actually know first hand? I'm really not interested in
speculation... OTB is full with such losers.
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