Carbonara with bacon...bits?
notbob wrote:
> I've made carbonara with average American bacon and with pricey
> imported pancetta. I prefer bacon, finding pancetta rather boring.
> It's all subjective, folks. Use what you like.
A few people here have said they do not like pancetta (or find it boring)
and I am wondering if you are all using the cooking pancetta we use here in
Italy or the rolled one that is used for sandwiches? The rolled one is
wonderful raw but cooked it looses its wonderful flavor (IMO) but the one
that looks like a slab of bacon covered in black pepper is out of this world
cooked and what should be used for carbonara, amatriciana, etc. If you can
find the good stuff, please try it.
Oh and your recipe was good notbob although I toss the pasta with the cooked
pancetta and stir over low heat for a minute and then I add the pasta to a
bowl that contains the egg and parmigiana beaten together. After adding the
pasta you have to really mix it well (do this as fast as you can). Add a
little of the pasta water, mix again and serve!
Gnam gnam