In article >,
Kate Connally > wrote:
> >>I don't know if anyone saw this news article about it.
> >>It cracked me up. Love the quote from the nutritionist.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Kate
> >>
> >
> >
> > I like this part of the article:
> >
> > "But what I really like about Sodolak's concoction is that it makes the
> > food police crazy.
> > "I've never heard of anything worse," said Jayne Hurley, senior
> > nutritionist at the Center for Science in the Public Interest in
> > Washington D.C"
> My favorite line is this one:
> "They've taken fat, they've doubled-coated it in fat, they've fried it
> in more fat, and then served it with a side order of fat."
> So what's her problem?
From my personal studies into low carb nutrition, fat is not the enemy...
Starch and sugar are. And if I control those two items, my Cholesterol
stays lower and my Triglycerides stay below 100.
Fat being the enemy is a myth.
I used to run blood tests monthly when I first started playing with
diet. Now I run them once ever 2 to 3 months, but mainly because we're
still trying to stabilized my damned thyroid meds!
But that's a genetic issue, not dietary.
> And later this:
> There would be one way to improve it, however. "The only thing they're
> missing is a couple of fried eggs under the whole thing," said Hurley,
> the nutritionist.
> > Her name is rather appropriate don't you think? <lol>
> Yup.
> > I do like the fact that now that I've learned to cook, I can make
> > "healthy" food delicious. I cook as much for nutrition as flavor (at
> > least most of the time, but not always!) and have discovered that
> > nutrition and delicious foods are actually compatible...
> >
> > But, I don't like _anyone_ telling me what I can and cannot eat. After
> > all, it's _my_ funeral right? <G>
> Eggs-actly! And mine, too. ;-)
> Kate
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson