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Donna Rose
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Default Your favorite Baked Beans recipe?

In article >,
(Nancy Dooley) writes:
> >I start with Bush's "regular" baked beans and add brown sugar,
> >ketchup, yellow mustard, sweet pickle relish, diced onion, and
> >Worcestershire sauce, in varying amounts, to taste, letting it bake in
> >the oven at a low temp (250-300) for a few hours. Next best thing to
> >home-made.

> Now try Bush's Country Style baked beans. You can forget about adding ANYthing.
> They are the best beans I've ever tasted - including home made.
> I know the OP wanted to make hers "from scratch" but I'll never do it again
> when I can find those Country Style beans.
> Connie
> ************************************************** ***
> My mind is like a, whatchamacallit.

You're not the first person to make that statement I suppose I should
buy a can just to find out what all the fuss is about.
A pessimist believes all women are bad. An optimist hopes they are.