Mid-week survey on the RFC site: 'Licking' the spoon...
Nancy Young wrote:
> "Dave Smith" > wrote
>> It's not like I am fishlippng a spoon when I test. I just sort
>> of suck in a bit off the end of a spoon without really touching
>> the hot spoon, or else I get a bit if the stuff in a spoon and
>> dip my finger into the spoon and lick it off my finger.
> Ditto. I don't stick the spoon into my mouth, not even close.
> Besides, once I've tasted for seasoning, I don't usually check
> again, so the point is moot.
> nancy
I take a little of whatever I'm cooking out with a spoon and put the tip
of my finger to it.
Real witches don't float so good.
- The Dresden Files