"Mitch" <Mitch@...> wrote in message
>I finally got to try Gino's East pizza in Chicago this summer. Every
> bit as good as they say.
> I was Googling last week to see if I could find a taste-alike recipe.
> I came across this thread:
> http://www.cheftalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=980
> We just made the recipe from spinnybobo, the one that starts with
> "Great Job Dancer!! "
> We just made mini pizza to try it out, and it's fantastic.
> We plan to make a deep dish tonight.
In response to all you knuckle-heads...
If you start your "poolish" or whatever you might be experimenting with, try
throwing your dough into the fridge for a week or so. This will buid
acidity, and add flavor.
The longer, the more sour your dough will get.
If you are trying to make a killer pizza from scratch in a day, forget it.
You are better off ordering pizza from Dunkin' Donuts.
Good pizza crust is just like bread, it takes time to develop flavor.