First, here are the results (broadband/DSL recommended):
The pizza peel is also homemade. I made it from scrap wood and coated in
shellac. I have it for about 10 years.
Dough for a 13"-15" pizza
3/4 cups of water.
1/2 tsp yeast
1/2 tsp sugar (sucrose)
about 2 cups of KA white flour.
Add yeast and sugar to warm water to dissolve.
I use a cuisinart to knead the dough. The dough should be just slightly
Let dough rise is a slightly oily pot for about and hour or two.
Preheat oven to 550 degrees with pizza stone in oven.
I use Tuttorosso crushed tomatoes with basil for the pizza sauce. I
found it a lot less expensive (about $1 per 28oz can) and much better
tasting than commerical "pizza" sauce.
I use Sargento mozzarella & provolone. Every now and then my supermarket
has them on sale for half price so I stock on them.
I roll the dough on a lightly dusted pizza peel. I measure the dough
out for my pizza stone; a 14" stone bought from Bed & Bath for $15. I
wish I still had my commercial oven where I used to make 20" pizzas.
Add a little oregano and or garlic powder to the top of the cheese.
Slide the pizza onto heated stone in oven.
Carefully watch the pizza. It can go from delicious to burned in a few
minutes. When the bottom the crust is slightly brown, I remove the pizza.
My pizza costs me about $2 to $3 and we greatly prefer it to the local
salty greasy "pizza". If we were in NYC, then that would be another matter.