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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default The Trouble with Rosemary.


> On Sat, 16 Dec 2006 08:54:31 -0600, Andy <q> wrote:
>>JoeSpareBedroom said...
>>> "Andy" <q> wrote

>>>> But she said to use the dried rosemary instead of fresh, because
>>>> fresh at oven temp would "burn up."
>>>> Please advise.

>>> You should use the fresh stuff.

>>I will. Her remark was puzzling, to say the least!
>>> She may have only made that recipe once in her entire life.

>>I've seen TV chefs make the same dish any number of ways. So, yeah, they
>>probably "wing it" more often than not.

> Andy, I searched food tv for "rosemary popovers" and only came up with
> one:
> ?rsrc=search


I saw Emmeril make those just this morning! Did you see how full he filled
the popover pan cups? Then he put it in an above center oven rack. I just
KNEW they were going to pop up to the top of the oven, and they did!

I'm just going from plain to plain + rosemary. No sense in ruining a plain
popover "from every angle."
