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Curly Sue
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Default It's not a salad, it's a potato system

Ever notice how many items are "systems"? I once received as a gift
what I thought was a nylon camera bag. But the tag describing its
features and pockets called it a "system." A camera-carrier system.
I laughed so hard that everyone else in the room ended up laughing
too, like that scene in Mary Poppins at Uncle Albert's place.

I've noticed the trend in commercials, too. It's not "furniture
polish," it's "furniture enhancement system" (or some such nonsense).
Although I haven't seen a burger called a "beef-bun system" (yet), I
won't be surprized when it happens.

I thought of this when I was making potato salad as requested by a
friend. I have an easier time giving her American recipes for cakes,
etc. because they usually have a specific recipe. But telling her how
to make stuff like potato salad is a bit more dicey, because it's not
really a recipe, it's a system :>

Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!