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Default It's not a salad, it's a potato system

>(Curly Sue)
>Ever notice how many items are "systems"? I once received as a gift
>what I thought was a nylon camera bag. But the tag describing its
>features and pockets called it a "system." A camera-carrier system.
>I laughed so hard that everyone else in the room ended up laughing
>too, like that scene in Mary Poppins at Uncle Albert's place.
>I've noticed the trend in commercials, too. It's not "furniture
>polish," it's "furniture enhancement system" (or some such nonsense).
>Although I haven't seen a burger called a "beef-bun system" (yet), I
>won't be surprized when it happens.

You're way too late... the original Big Whopper (BK) was a Burger System....
where the patrons brought their naked burger to a salad bar of sorts and added
ALL the condiments themselves. Which ever corporate head (dick head) abandoned
the DIY Burger System forever relegated BK to it's No. 2 slot.

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