Thread: All Moslems...
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Default All Moslems...

>>Though I doubt he knows this, Moslem is an acceptable, although
>>archaic spelling.

I'm old... what do the young whippersnappers know, NOTHING!

>Many people in Turkey prefer to be called Moslems.

Yes, they do... and they also wish the moslems were all snuffed out, as they
deserve. Moslems are not human, and they're definitely not animal (animals are
honest)... moslems are LYING MONSTERS... no different from krauts and gooks...
they ALL wish they had won the
WWII... there's ain't a kraut or a gook on the planet who had it to be done
over again they were not victorious... anyone believes differently is living in
another galaxy.

I for one have no reservations snuffing out a kraut, jap, or moslem... I'd feel
far more guilt stomping a cockroach... useless pieces of shit all of them.

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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."