Thread: food savers
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ms_peacock ms_peacock is offline
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Default food savers

"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> Peter A wrote:
>> We are a 2-person household and like our Tilia a lot. But then we have a
>> huge freezer and like to stock up on meats, and we also fish and
>> sometimes have huge catches that benefit from the vacuum sealing. It
>> depends on how you like to shop and cook more than anything.

> This family of two enjoys our Foodsaver too. I pick up economy
> packs of meat on sale, split them up and seal them up with the
> Foodsaver.

That's what I use my Tilia for. I can buy the packages of 6 pork chops when
they're buy one, get one free and we don't have to eat pork chops every
night. Two packages generally lasts us until the next sale. I rarely pay
full price for meats. I buy enough when they're on sale to last until the
next sale. I couldn't do that without the Tilia.

Ms P