> Not to burst any bubbles, but you'll never get any top quality Gyokuro.
> Sorry to say, it costs a ton and is auctioned off instantly to massive
> bids. For a number of years I had an inside connection and still only
> managed to get second level Gyokuro and it cost an arm an a leg. That
> being said you can get very good stuff from a number of places online.
> Itoen, o-cha, uji all come to mind... but I'm sure there are more
> places...Gyokuro is very difficult, only slightly rewarding, and IMO not worth
> it.
Dominic, to get a better picture, I'd like you to
describe the difference between the "second level
Gyokuro" that you exprienced and the lesser "very
good stuff" available to us more readily. I've had
what I *thought* was excellent Gyokuro from
Gray and Sedden, but what do I know.