All Moslems...
Fred wrote:
>>Having a bad day Shel' honey?
>>I feel bad about Mr. Johnson being beheaded also... <sigh>
>>It's not Muslims tho', it's inbred Arabic extremists that have been
>>mating with their own grandaughters for thousands of years. :-P
> I disagree. I think Islam is the problem. Muslim children are taught
> hatred from a very young age. The great, great, great majority of muslims
> in the Middle East support the terrorists - huge overwhelming majority. I
> view the entire religion and region as extremist and dangerous. I wish it
> weren't true but to believe otherwise is akin to burying one's head in the
> sand.
Right and not one bit of data to support this bogus position. Islam is a
peaceful religion that has some fanatical elements. And, in that
aspect, they joined Christianity. Think, the Children's Crusades.
Christianity has been one of the bloodiest religions there has been,
especially when in the control of whore mongers and mentalmidgets like