Distilling brandy
>>> OK...
>>> Maybe this was not a good idea. I thought you could distill a small
>>> amount, for personal use, but maybe I am wrong.
>> I went to that wine enthusiast link and it says it's legal in some
>> states but to be honest I think that is questionable information;
>> (maybe they are referring to 'altered states').
>> I would make sure the federal, state and municipal govt's said it was
>> OK before I did anything like this. (I know, sounds paranoid. I'm
>> from Western PA and that whole Whiskey Rebellion thing didn't work out
>> the way people around here wanted it to...) I'm pretty sure they are
>> legal in New Zealand but I'm not packing my bags over this...
What is often missed in reality is that New Zealand is damn close
to being a third world nation. University Professors I know have
lived in cinder block houses with tin roofs and have planted crops
and kept livestock to keep food costs down!
What makes the Whiskey Tax humorous is that John Hancock's major
occupation was smuggling and he was outraged when the bloody
British seized his ships containing tea and rum. To get revenge,
he preached revolution! ROTFLMAO
> Yeah, well Marijuana might be legal in some states. That does
> not mean the FED's will not put you under the jail for using!
Sound advice.
- Life is like running a moonshine still. You can do anything
you want until the revenue agents find you doing it.
- Dick Adams (1994)