Thread: All Moslems...
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Default All Moslems...

In article >,
JimLane > wrote:

> Katra wrote:
> > In article >,
> > (PENMART01) wrote:
> >
> >
> >>>(RMiller)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Though I doubt he knows this, Moslem is an acceptable, although
> >>>>archaic spelling.
> >>
> >>I'm old... what do the young whippersnappers know, NOTHING!
> >>
> >>
> >>>Many people in Turkey prefer to be called Moslems.
> >>
> >>Yes, they do... and they also wish the moslems were all snuffed out, as
> >>they
> >>deserve. Moslems are not human, and they're definitely not animal (animals
> >>are
> >>honest)... moslems are LYING MONSTERS... no different from krauts and
> >>gooks...
> >>they ALL wish they had won the
> >>WWII... there's ain't a kraut or a gook on the planet who had it to be done
> >>over again they were not victorious... anyone believes differently is
> >>living
> >>in
> >>another galaxy.
> >>
> >>I for one have no reservations snuffing out a kraut, jap, or moslem... I'd
> >>feel
> >>far more guilt stomping a cockroach... useless pieces of shit all of them.
> >>

> >
> >
> > Having a bad day Shel' honey?
> > I feel bad about Mr. Johnson being beheaded also... <sigh>
> >
> > It's not Muslims tho', it's inbred Arabic extremists that have been
> > mating with their own grandaughters for thousands of years. :-P

> What do you think sheldon is? The product of too much in-breeding.
> > Let's just make a giant parking lot out of the middle east and we can
> > finally have peace on earth?

> Why? And eliminate Israel? And what about the Christians from those
> countries like the Coptics and how about the Muslims that do not like
> what is happening there any better than we do? All of them? Sounds like
> you're naught but a minor level sheldon in the making. And while you're
> at it, how about a parking lot in Africa and another in South America
> and another in Malaysia and, at various times in own own history, the
> US. NAh, only one where bigots and racists like sheldon live. He should
> join Jimmy Hoffa.
> WHOOPS, overlooked you next comment, "NOT." :-0
> jim

Uh huh. ;-)
Where is my apology????? <lol>


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra