Steve Knight wrote:
> On 20 Jun 2004 02:09:01 GMT, (PENMART01) wrote:
> >... are cockroaches.
> racism is a fear of otter cultures.
> fear and prejudice go hand in hand.
> but in the case of penmart he is threatened by them having bigger dicks
> he/she has.
Sheldon's not a threat to world peace or stability - he's just some silly
guy spouting off on Usenet....
Islam OTOH is the *greatest* extant force for evil in the world, and will
remain so for many years to come. It seeks to *absolutely* destroy any
person, belief system, or society that does not embrace it's grossly
backward and medieval socio - political MO. All you birds who are
defending it's right to exist alongside other religions or who are saying
"it's just a few radical Moslems who are causing the trouble" are wrong -
DEAD wrong. They'd slit your silly throats in a minute....
Yeah the Crusades and the Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials were nasty
and evil sides of Christianity, and there are still some backwards and venal
"Christians" around (the Religious Right here in the States frex) but most
folks of the Christian faith are "live and let live"; at the least they are
not for the most part beheading "infidels", plowing jets into office towers,
blowing up trains, and the like. Christianity for the most part evolved and
grew and became more diverse, so that even once - heavily Christian places
like Spain and Italy and France are now largely secular societies with rule
of law and strict separations between Church and State....
Oh, another thang about Islam - it celebrates *death*, not life, thus all
the psychotic Muslim martyrs blowing themselves and innocent Israelis up,
9/11, etcetera ad nauseum. Why bother to improve their own lives here on
Earth when heaven awaits with hundreds of virgins, etc.? Besides which,
Muslims breed like cockroaches, so the pukes figger there's always plenty
more in the pipeline. With a philosophy like that it's no wonder Muslims
are all losers in life....
Islam and it's adherents (*all* of it's adherents) are suffering from a
deep, deep and dangerous psychosis - and they want to include all you
"infidels" in on their sick little game. And *that* is a fact. Those of
you in your nice secular societies who sit in your comfortable homes in
front of your snazzy computers and evince a "live and let live" philosophy
towards Islam are simply naive - what we are engaged in is a titanic
"struggle between civilizations" (*far* surpassing our struggles against
Nazism, facism, Communism...). - it's going to be the main locus of world -
wide conflict for years and even centuries to come. You'd better hope that
our side wins.