Artichoke question
On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 23:44:29 GMT, "Kswck" > wrote:
>Despite a recent post on artichokes........
>I need some info on them. Are they worth the work to prepare and cook them?
>I understand that they have a rather delicate taste and actually I have had
>them in Italian dishes (thought they were basically tasteless).
>I have perused the artichoke websites, but I am not sure of my own expertise
>on preparing them.
>In short: Are they really worth the effort?
>The affirmative being the case, I would be looking for some recipes that
>feature the artichoke.
>Thank you.
I really enjoy them, and buy them when the price is reasonable. I
usually trim them and steam them and eat them with a mayo spiked with
Bufalo chipotle sauce and lime juice. Trimming involves cutting back
the more fibrous parts of the leaves and peeling the fibrous skin from
the stem. Steaming involves setting it up in a deep pan with boiling
water and having at it for about half an hour or 45 minutes. I've
also done them in a microwave in a covered bowl with a little water
and some lmon juice. The cooking time is a mystery to me. Usually, I
zap it 3-4 minutes on high and let it sit before repeating the process
a couple more times.
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Now is the time, now is the time
For your friendship to end."
-- The Specials