Holiday luncheon (Bah, humbug!)
It's snowing hard outside with a forecast of 16-26 inches by tomorrow
noon, our first major blizzard since 2003 when, if you recall, we were
snowed in with two visiting Swedes for three days.
The worst part? I had agreed to cooking a big lunch for Neil's company
at work for tomorrow. When we heard the forecast yesterday, we agreed
to move it back to today, so I began cooking at 7PM yesterday after
spending six hours on my feet at the airport for my volunteer thing.
(Yeah, I'm tired.)
I did scale back the menu quite q bit:
honeybaked ham
homemade macaroni and cheese
layered salad
broccoli casserole
applesauce, pickled mushrooms, olives
I was going to buy an ice cream cake but I doubt that the shop is even
open today, so I'm baking brownies.
From the forecast, it may take me up to an hour to drive the 6 miles to
the worksite. I have to figure out how to keep everything hot since
there's no oven on-site . If I get stranded on the road, at least I'll
have lots of food!