More Cast Iron concerns
Kajikit > wrote in message >. ..
> Carnivore269 saw Sally selling seashells by the seashore and told us
> all about it on 8 Oct 2003 11:35:03 -0700:
> >Reg > wrote in message>...
> >> Carnivore269 wrote:
> >>
> >> > I will NEVER cook in Aluminum. You want to talk about a toxic and
> >> > reactive metal. :-P
> >>
> >> Reactive yes, toxic no.
> >
> >That's a matter of opinion. ;-)
> >There are lots of links in google.
> >
> >Aluminum Oxide is not something I'd want to eat, and besides,
> >it's bitter as hell... I don't even cover tomatoe dishes with aluminum
> >foil as the one time I did it, mom pointed out to me how it ate holes
> >in the foil, and it did! It also left black spots all over the top of
> >the dish. I had to scrape it all off before serving. I now use Saran
> >wrap.
> So you can have plastic residue in your dish instead of aluminium
> residue? We used to microwave stuff with the plastic 'microwave wrap'
> over it but it melts! Use a glass lid. (or did you mean for storage
> purposes AFTER it's cooked... that's different)
> (huggles)
> ~Karen AKA Kajikit
Just for storage and transport. :-)
I don't generally cook with Saran wrap! LOL!
I have glass corningware for cooking/heating in the microwave.