Frogleg > wrote in message >. ..
> On 9 Oct 2003 13:15:24 -0700, (xyz) wrote:
> >Are there any condiments that aren't made with vinegar? It seems like
> >everything I look at contains vinegar - ketchup, mayonnaise, salad
> >dressing. I prefer not to be pickled - at least while I'm still
> >alive.
> A "condiment" is a spicy or savory compliment to foods. You can make
> salad dressing and mayonnaise with lemon juice instead of vinegar, if
> that pleases you. But most relishes, chutneys, and savory sauces
> contain vinegar. For a reason, one assumes. I don't think there's any
> chance of becoming "pickled" by a pickle (or smoked from eating lox,
> or fried by a visit to KFC). Acidic ingredients (vinegar, wine,
> citrus) are rather too common to avoid.
Sometimes tho', vinigar is _not_ a flavor I want.... so you just have
to read the bottles, or learn to make your own stuff. Lemon/lime based
mayonnaise is not that hard to make, and Hellman's now makes a Lime
based dressing called "mayonnaisa" with an "a" instead of an "e" on
the end and it is divine! It tastes just like the citrus based mayo
that mom taught me to make. :-)
For ranch dressing, I just buy a container of sour cream and add a
package of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix! :-)
Ranch is sort of a staple in Texas <G>